"Esta noche tomaremos una copiosa cena, beberemos los más caros brebajes y gastaremos todo el dinero que tenemos para así procurarnos todo el lujo y divertimento que merecemos. Total, mañana seremos pobres..."

lunes, 28 de junio de 2021

Betrayal’s Pride

Betrayal’s Pride

They say that hope is brighter

Than any other feeling all around.

But then, someone feels smarter

And hits you ‘till you are broken on the ground.

And you were only asking

For some misunderstanding to unfold

But they continue laughing

Which makes the world to feel a little cold.

They claim to have been hurt

But wounds inside your heart are far beyond.

The blindness of their hearts

Are only but reflections of their souls.

It’s then when dissapointment

Makes pain to to feel less painful than it was.

Few things are more distressing

Than hate from them who are supposed to love.