There’s a wide and deep, dark cosmos all around.
And the sound of splitting galaxies in it.
Every corner has been filled with blazing stars,
And the solemn, mystic gravity spreads on.
With a mathematic order fall the rocks
Which together form the planets, moons and suns.
In this chaos reigns the order of the void.
On this order falls the chaos of the night.
When the nights are bravely beaten by the light,
Comes the sun that leaves no hidden craft behind.
And the creatures that are living far beyond,
Live their days less in reality than mind.
Since societies praise Sin over the Law,
And the stomach of the World is full of us,
Then the cruelty of the souls will rise again
Over people, plants and animals. And life.
And when thinking on what still remains to explore,
And your focus on a single matter lasts,
With the many possibilities ahead
Comes the truth: that we are living just one life.